<![CDATA[Traci Mc. Merritt - Blog]]>Thu, 04 Jul 2024 01:16:41 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Back in the FS Saddle but not gone.]]>Sun, 23 Feb 2020 02:50:59 GMThttp://tracimcmerritt.com/blog/back-in-the-fs-saddle-but-not-gone
I have an amazing opportunity to serve the Forest Service as a District Recreation and Lands Staff and landscape Architect, down on the Oregon Coast.  A dream come true!  I am quite in love with the work, the people and the place. 

However, I do not intend to stop bringing labyrinths for laughter to the world.  I will soon gain my rhythm and pace to offer LevityZen artworks, classes and installations!   

I am working on the plans the Corvallis Riverfront Park-Shawala Point Labyrinth-Landscape Art for the World Labyrinth Day- Walk @ 1 as One, which is the first Saturday in May.  We are inviting sacred drumming to join us!
Hope to see you there!
<![CDATA[LevityZen Laughing Labyrinths @ Rasani Fair - Booth #79!]]>Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:55:24 GMThttp://tracimcmerritt.com/blog/levityzen-laughing-labyrinths-rasani-fair-booth-79
So excited to be at this year's Rasani Fair sharing my LevityZen Tracing Laughing Labyrinth art!  Stop by for my feel good energy clearings using yogic-laughter! 

Come see my latest info for providing 14'-20' portable LevityZen laughing labyrinths for school mindfulness programs and retreat centers. 
<![CDATA[I am all right]]>Thu, 01 Aug 2019 18:44:55 GMThttp://tracimcmerritt.com/blog/i-am-all-right

I was listening to the wonderful  author known as SARK share her childhood trauma story during a online series about creativity and spirituality.  I was awestruck with the similarities of her story that also occurred in my own life. 

She told the story of how when she was young, Maya Angelou was hosting a reading at her local library.  Afterwards, SARK went up to her and shared how she also had been abused.  Maya grabbed both of her hands and looked deep into her eyes and said intently,  "YOU ARE ALL RIGHT!   YOU ARE ALL RIGHT!"       

I felt as if Maya held my hands in that moment, and told me, "You are all right." 

It was the key to releasing the 50+ years of shackles I unknowingly lived in.  I became aware that I had lived a life in a constant belief that I was wrong.  

Wrong and needing to be fixed. Wrong and needing shame to coerce me into action.  I became so dependent on shame that I didn't even realize how I would self-create it. Especially, if it was not provided by others. I was blindly immersed in the normalcy of shame. 

The normalcy of shame is the result of abuse. 

Shame is the lowest energetic vibration on the emotions scale. Seeing now, that it was a constant set point vibration for me, no wonder I was always working hard trying to raise it.

I know I am not the only one.  Anyone who uses their past as an excuse, or feels victim-hood at any time, they are still in the  shackles.  

I see how the paradigm of shame is an epidemic within our culture.  The #metoo movement didn't really land in my heart until now.  The #metoo movement didn't resonate with me, back when it was rampant online, because people were using shame to point fingers at the abusers.  Shame, suffering and sacrifice have been learned motivators for expression and action, woven into a cultural paradigm of living. We can bring forth a new way. 

We use our past as either an excuse or an inspiration.

Following your bliss is a powerful catalyst for inspired action.  It opposes the teachings that punishment and reward are the only means to success.  Being in the flow, having fun, aligned with presence, has proved itself plenty as the means for success with musicians and athletes... May we all engage this paradigm for success, joy and deep fulfillment in living. 

You are all right.  Feel your reason for being here now, by following your bliss!

<![CDATA[Coming out as the artist I am...]]>Thu, 28 Mar 2019 16:44:20 GMThttp://tracimcmerritt.com/blog/coming-out-as-the-artist-i-am]]><![CDATA[Self Love and Laughter...]]>Thu, 24 Jan 2019 22:11:46 GMThttp://tracimcmerritt.com/blog/self-love-and-laughter
<![CDATA[Focus less on letting go, more on eagerly and intentionally grabbing the next...]]>Wed, 14 Nov 2018 22:18:13 GMThttp://tracimcmerritt.com/blog/focus-on-the-next-grab-not-letting-go
I recently went through a big out pour and release of stored emotion.  The sensation was one of tremendous grieving of loss... losing a potential future, not created.  It felt as if I was being broken open.  It felt as if I was adamantly letting go and at the same time desperately not wanting to let go.  IT HURT.  It hurt similar to the opposing yank you feel when you do not let go... after strongly propelling yourself to the next grab bar.   It momentarily  felt as if I could never truly go forward again.  

I have had insights about the importance of focusing on the bar you are aiming to grab, more than the bar you are holding, before.  And yet, I didn't realize how much I practiced the pattern of focusing on the 'letting go' action, more than the 'intentional forward grabbing' of the next bar.  They are two opposite intents and actions... especially if they are individually focused upon.  Although, when the focus is purely forward, they  magically synchronize together.   

I speak a lot about 69 living... the balance of giving and receiving in joy.  This insight of intentional reaching for the next grab and letting go synchronization, deepens my understanding of 69 living. I am seeing the importance of dedicating our time towards Self love through our forward actions, as the means for serving the world.  I am learning a new practice of intentionally fanning my flame first, so it's light radiates and inspires others to live in their light, with their love.  

May we practice... Focusing on our intentions and synchronizing the letting go, with ease and gracious momentum forward...  Be Peace in action.

(I appreciate this image from the American Ninja Warriors)  
<![CDATA[New Website! tracimcmerritt.com]]>Sat, 27 Oct 2018 00:49:13 GMThttp://tracimcmerritt.com/blog/new-website-tracimcmerrittcom

It seems I have been defining who I am and what I offer for a while now.  Take a look at this new website of mine, give me a call, send me a note, ask me questions.  I am here to serve you.   I am here to teach peace.  I am here to create places for peace to begin within. 

I so appreciate all of the people who have been assisting me, with love, to transform into myself. 
You know who you are... I hope you know how meaningful you are to me and the world. 

I welcome testimonials from anyone who has enjoyed my keynote presentations, my book, my artwork, my workshops, my personal coaching and/or my energy healing sessions.

​Please, let me know how I am doing ya good!

Email them to LOLpeaceproject at gmail!

Photo by: Anna Maria Wolf Photography